Donate to Our Barista Relief Fund

Please donate any amount you can to help off-set the loss of tips baristas will endure during this period of social distancing. We are doing everything we can to stay open and keep our staff with us, but we can't do it alone. Help us support them during this difficult time.

No other coffeeshop in Austin can match this team’s combined knowledge, experience, and passion for creating exceptional coffee experiences. We count ourselves very lucky to have assembled such a team of coffee superheros! Trianon wouldn’t be the place it is without their dedicated efforts to make every customer experience as good as it can be.

We are humbled and honored by the outpouring of support our community has shown us. We're all in this together. Thank you for donating to support our barista family.

Dontate to Trianon Coffee's "Virtual Tip Jar" Barista Relief Fund

Please use the form above or visit our fundraising page hosted by HelloFund:

Dontate to Trianon Coffee's "Virtual Tip Jar" Barista Relief Fund

Thank you! 


Valerie Hausladen

Love you guys. Hang in there and can’t wait to be back soon!

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